Fern Green
Made to order 2-3 Weeks
Custom Concrete Concepts warrants to the Customer the Goods will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of 12 months after the date of delivery (the “warranty period”) on the strict proviso the Goods are used in the manner and under the conditions for which it was created by Custom Concrete Concepts.
The Customer will only be entitled to exercise its rights under this Warranty if the Customer:
- has paid Custom Concrete Concepts for the Goods in full;
- notifies Custom Concrete Concepts of the apparent defect within five business days of it coming to the Customer’s attention;
- makes a claim under the Warranty within the warranty period; and
- allows, or arranges for, Custom Concrete Concepts to inspect the Goods claimed to be defective at the usual location of same.
This Warranty is a limited warranty and extends only to defects in Goods which arise during their ordinary, usual or proper use. This Warranty shall not apply if:
- the Customer or a third party modifies or repairs the products without Custom Concrete Concepts’ prior written approval; or
- after discovery of a defect, the Customer fails to take prompt and reasonable steps to prevent the defect from becoming more serious.
Custom Concrete Concepts will not be responsible nor liable for damage to Goods which includes but is not limited to structural damage, surface damage, discolouration or cracking caused by:
- general wear and tear;
- use not intended for the Good’s ordinary, usual or proper purpose;
- improper use or abuse which includes but is not limited to damage from mishandling the Goods, excessive heat, uneven exposure to weather conditions and physical or chemical abuse;
- a failure to comply with Custom Concrete Concepts’ Installation Guide;
- a failure to comply with Custom Concrete Concepts’ Care and Maintenance Guide;
- accidental damage;
- modification, cleaning, or repair made by any party other than Custom Concrete Concepts;
- fire, lightning and other such hazards whether natural or manmade;
- physical relocation;
- chips or other such impact damage;
- excessive pressure such as sitting, standing or applying force to the Goods that would be considered outside ordinary, usual or proper use;
Get in touch with us today to learn more about our many services.